当你的应用出现 CPU 使用率低,垃圾回收阻塞,频繁的事件循环延迟或混乱数量的活动句柄等症状时,可能表明你的应用存在许多潜在问题。Doctor 根据这些症状生成建议来帮助缩小问题的范围。诸如 I/O 问题,未优化的垃圾回收和事件循环阻塞等情况非常常见。Doctor 会帮助你解决所有这些问题。
Symptoms such as low CPU usage, blocking garbage collection, frequent event loop delay or a chaotic number of active handles may indicate a number of potential problems. Doctor helps narrow down the possibilities by generating a recommendation based on those symptoms. Examples such as I/O issues, non-optimized garbage collection and blocked event loop are quite common. Doctor will help you with all of these.
Getting ready
First analysis
Reading a profile
Fixing an event loop problem
Fixing an I/O problem